

Choses à faire


Choses à faire

The sandy beaches with warm waters, the rocky shores, the mountainous landscape and the picturesque small harbor make Tolo the ideal holiday destination. Until this day, it has kept its traditional character as being a peaceful place enriched with various ...


By bike from Tolo to Iria
Choses à faire

This is a unique track of about 35 km round trip that will amaze you with its beauty. It includes several straight lines, many turns and few uphill, on a road with asphalt but low traffic. Our tour will start ...


Croisièred’unejournéeà Hydra et Spetses
Choses à faire

Croisièred’unejournée au depart (08:45) de Tolo pour le pittoresque sans véhicules Hydra et les belles Spetses. Échappez à la vie quotidienne et profitez des îles, du soleil et de la mer.Vouspourrez passer trois (3) heures à Hydra et deux (2)heures à Spetses. Vousaurez ...


Choses à faire

Tolo, which lies close to the famous archaeological sites of Argolida, is a resort that will satisfy even the highest expectations. The charismatic town welcomes visitors with a unique and traditional hospitality of the Greeks, while at the same time ...


Hiking from Tolo to Ancient Assini
Choses à faire

This is a route of about 2.5 km that will amaze you with the beauty of ancient Assini. Our tour starts from the village center. Walking along the main road towards the beach Psili Ammos, at the end of the ...


Voyages de voile
Choses à faire

Offrez-vousuneexpérience de navigation inoubliable! Plongez au frais dans les eauxcristallines du golfeArgolique, faitesune voile romantique au coucher du soleil, vivezuneexpérience de pêcheamusante avec vos enfants, découvrez des plagesisolées et visitez les nombreusesîles de notrerégion.


Walking from Tolo to Nafplio
Choses à faire

This is a unique track of about 8 km. it will amaze you with its beauty. Our tour starts from Tolo Regional road (exit 18) and we will ascend the mountain, facing at the same time a magnificent view of ...


Walking from Tolo to Vivari
Choses à faire

This is a unique route of about 7.5 kilometers which will amaze you with its beauty. Our tour will start from Tolo. Walking along the beach towards Psili ammos beach then getting to the end of the beach, we will ...


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